Archives for category: Stillness

As a young girl I felt an abiding connection with something beyond the world. Something powerful, invisible and great. 

I was born in Northern Minnesota and my early years were spent in a small rural community surrounded by lakes, trees, fields and wildlife. Nighttime during winter was often a time of stillness for me. I remember the vast night sky, silent and expansive rising above me as I lay alone on my back, still, listening and looking up from my bed of sparkling crystallized snow blanketing a field, warm in my many layers of winter clothes. Stillness. Silence. Presence.

These nighttime communions were reprieves. Gifts. Clues.

Many years later other clues emerged. These clues held something darker, more frightening and oppressive. 

Today I see these two forces more clearly. One – a force that serves, loves, challenges and comforts but does not coddle. The other – a force that deceives, calculates, manipulates to its own ends. It believes in its motives. It is seductive and cunning.

Both of these forces are present in our world. There are Forces for Good which are beyond the physical. Unseen but deeply felt. This Great Unseen Force has its rare emissaries living in physical form. Spiritually advanced beings. Wise. Hidden. Watching. Warning. Sent near, but not here, at the request of God.

This Unseen Force has sent a man, a man living here in the world, also at the request of God, to receive a vast message for us; for humanity. This one man has been prepared for a long time; in time and beyond time.

There are great forces at work in and around our world. Those Unseen and those in the physical. Somehow I know them. Have known them a long time. Inexplicable. Indescribable. Palpable.

They, in the physical and beyond the physical, are here for us. The one man sent to receive the vast New Message from God, Marshall Vian Summers, is here for us. Those physical beings near us but not here, The Allies of Humanity, are here for us. And those beyond the physical, The Unseen Ones, are here for us. 

They are all here for us. Working for our advancement. Working for our development. Working for our preservation. Working on behalf of humanity. For us. Calling us to something greater. 

Between my young adulthood and my now middle-age-hood I spent many years off and on lost and found in the world. There were difficult years. Years of searching. Years of exhaustion. Years of heartache and longing. Years of almost giving up. 

Lost. Conflicted. Distracted. Conditioned. Trying to make sense of it all. There were  times of reprieve. Times of communion. Rising up, sinking down. Push. Pull. 

Where was I? Lost. Found. Pushed by a darkness I could not name. Pulled to prayer. Pushed away from the stillness of communion. Pulled to reverence. Pushed by a darkness that now has a name. That I now know well. It is called “The Intervention” by those who work on our behalf. Throughout all of the pushing was the pulling. Lost. Found. Sinking. Rising.

Pushed. Pulled. 

In Relationships and Higher Purpose it speaks of the darker forces. I have had to learn to contend wisely and clearly with these forces. I have had to learn who and what they are. I have had to learn how they work against unity and for separation within my own life. I continue to develop a strong relationship with Knowledge, the Divine and those representatives of the Divine.

It is through the practice of Steps to Knowledge that I was able to regain strong footing and reclaim communion. Pulled to God. Called. Grounded in Steps to Knowledge; the vital preparation for our current circumstances. It is a preparation in discerning other intelligent life in the universe. It is a preparation in Wisdom. It is a living, deep, pure and abiding gift. It is a pathway of united power and redemption. A pathway of reclamation. A pathway home and out of the darkness of separation.  A pathway out of fear. A pathway out of being pushed by forces of dissonance.

This pathway is available due to the devotion of Marshall Vian Summers. The pathway is available to each of us contending with these new world conditions. He has devoted his life to this. The preparation he has received holds the clarity that I work to maintain every day. We are blessed to have the pathway openly given to us. This gift holds the greatest power in the universe. It is worthy of my ongoing commitment to practice.

Like me, there are many who have lost their way temporarily. Some, sadly will remain lost.  But a growing number will find their way because a new way has been given. Each of us will need to hold steady. Hold strong. Hold to Knowledge and develop greater skills and gifts as we enter a more challenging and difficult phase of the world’s evolution. 

Now, as a mature woman, well past the 9-year-old girl in the snow, I consciously choose to develop an abiding connection with those in the world and beyond the world who work on behalf of the reclamation of Knowledge everywhere. These individuals are part of my Spiritual Family with whom I am joining step by step. The gift lives. It is relationship with and for a powerful, invisible and great force in service to a world in great need.

It is the sparkle in the darkness.

There is a new pathway to God alive in the world today. It is fresh. It is deep. It is comprehensive. It is challenging. It is ancient. It is beautiful.

At a critical turning point in my search for God I read Greater Community Spirituality: A New Revelation by Marshall Vian Summers. 

It was like nothing I had ever read before.

I was struck. A cord. A sound. A calling. A remembering far off but close at hand. It was like a host of sacred bells  chiming some distance away. Faint. Compelling. Drawing me in. Calling me out of the life I was living.

An inner sanctuary was confirmed. A different place in the world began to take shape. My place in a vast universe full of life emerged – sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly and sometimes painfully. In the beginning I had no idea where this was leading but I was compelled to go there.

Now, this new pathway to God, The New Message from God, is bringing me into direct relationship with that once faint memory. Now, as I study the pathway provided – The Steps to Knowledge – I can see further. I can see into physical life with more compassion. I can see into life beyond the physical which is wise, loving and powerful.

The New Message from God is one powerful pathway out of separation.

Into this conflicted, challenged, warring world has come something so beautiful it can easily be missed or even  dismissed. To begin to experience The New Message from God and the man, the Messenger, who is receiving and delivering this gift, Marshall Vian Summers, is to go beyond. Beyond assumptions. Beyond condemnation. Beyond religion. Beyond science. Simply beyond…

It is a new threshold for the world. It is a new threshold for humanity. It is a new threshold for the individual. It was  definitely a new threshold for me personally. It is stated many times throughout the Teachings that the promise for  humanity is in the awakening of the individual.

You. Me. Us. 

Average people from average lives called into a greater relationship; called into greater service. Present, strong, awake individuals uniting one by one. 

This pathway provides the means for the awakening. Amazingly and mysteriously, step by step, it develops our inner knowing, a deeper mind called Knowledge, that brings the necessary clarity to see beyond, to go beyond…

This new pathway to God is alive in the world today. It is fresh. It is deep. It is comprehensive. It is challenging. It is ancient. It is beautiful.

Embrace it and the one who is delivering this ancient yet New Revelation.

The link below the photo of Marshall Vian Summers, the Messenger of the New Message from God, leads one into a powerful and deep prayer given to humanity.

Experience his spontaneous and profound gift to us all.

This question was posed to me by someone who had read posts on this blog. This reader was likely asking this question in relation to me being a student of Steps to Knowledge and supporting the Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers, and the vast body of Teachings of the New Message from God that he is sent here to deliver.

It is a good question. It is an important question.

There is a passage in Steps to Knowledge that speaks directly to this question. It is not a Step; it is imbeded between Step 9 and Step 10 at and asks…

“Why am I doing this anyway?”

“Very good question! Why are you doing this anyway? Why are you asking such questions? Why do you seek for greater things? Why are you exerting the effort? These questions are inevitable. We anticipate them. Why are you doing this? ”

“You are doing this because it is essential. If you wish to live anything greater than a purely superficial and unstable life, you must penetrate deeper and not be confident based only upon weak assumptions and hopeful expectations. There is a greater gift awaiting you, but you must prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Without Knowledge, you are unaware of your purpose. You are unaware of  your origin and your destiny, and  you will pass through this life as if it were a troubled dream and no more.”

So in response to the question… Yes, I am sure I want to do this.

This universal pathway out of seperation answers the big questions and is a means of navigating a world that is becoming increasingly turbulant.  This practice and teaching is completely applicable and practical for today’s world. It develops a natural spirituality that is inherent in each of us. It is essential for today’s emerging world.

On Sunday July 3, 2011 Marshall Vian Summers spoke openly to the world. It was a live broadcast and was the first public speaking event held at the humble Sanctuary of the New Message from God.

When I first began studying the New Message from God Teachings and began the formal practice of Steps to Knowledge in early 2009, I understood at some deep level who Marshall Vian Summers was and what he was doing in the world. Before even meeting him I understood his Divinity. I understood that he was receiving and delivering an authentic communication from the Divine for the entire world. And unlike previous Messengers through whom God has spoken, Marshall is speaking to the entire world, a mostly literate world, a world advanced in technology and a world now beginning to engage with a vast universe full of intelligent life.

That Sunday morning I saw a man standing in front of loved ones, students and strangers making an audacious proclamation to the world. I saw his vulnerability. I saw the emotional struggle of being required by God to stand and proclaim, “I am the Messenger of God.”

I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. 

Years ago I participated in a conference where a friend was going to speak in front of a large group of people. She was speaking to people who were attending to hear her and others like her. They paid for the event, they held similar beliefs, ideas and assumptions and were ready to welcome what she had to say. Even so, moments before she prepared to go on stage she experienced such significant anxiety that she vomited in the woman’s room.

As Marshall stood in front of the people in attendance he looked pale and shaky. His mouth twitched slightly as he began to speak. It was then that I understood the burden of what he has been called to do. Even though I inexplicably understood him to be the Messenger, on that day, for the first time, I saw his humanity. I saw the man. 

Unlike my friend, all who hear him will not welcome him. Many will not be ready to hear his Message. Many will deny, reject and denounce the Message itself and Marshall personally.

But, like myself, others will respond. Others will welcome him and come to know him while he is alive in the world. Others will recognize the Truth in the Message.

His destiny as the one to receive the New Message from God is not a role many of us would welcome easily. The burden of the Messenger is great. And for those whom this Message is meant to reach, the responsibility is great as well – to receive the New Message from God and the Messenger.   

I have witnessed his generosity, his humility, his Divinity and his struggle. He has no choice. He has been called. In this place of “no choice” is the greatest gift. He must make this Proclamation. It is his destiny. It is a Message for the entire world. There are those of us who have our own role to play and must recognize, receive and carry the gift of the Revelation into the future. That is our destiny. The world and all of humanity is waiting.

I feel blessed to consider myself one of the vocal believers of this authentic Revelation from God that Marshall Vian Summers is openly delivering to the world.

This goes beyond the dictates of religion. This goes beyond the fundamentalist teachings. This goes beyond philosophy and theology and ideology because it represents a direct engagement with what God has placed within you.

May many have the heart to recognize this gift for our times and the times to come.

BOULDER, Colo., June 30, 2011 —         /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — For over  20 years, Marshall Vian Summers has lived in Boulder, Colorado, quietly  receiving and writing what he claims is a new message from God. Now, a community  of vocal believers is growing up around him, both in Colorado and around the  world. Many of them believe Summers is God’s chosen messenger for our time and  consider the 8,700 pages of “sacred texts” he has received to be the foundation  of a new world religion.

On Sunday July 3rd, Summers will speak publicly in Boulder about the New  Message from God, his role as messenger, and the revelations he has received  about “planetary freedom and our future in a Universe of intelligent life.” The  event begins at 10 am at the Greater Community Sanctuary (1025 Rosewood Ave) and  will be broadcast worldwide at

For nearly three decades, Summers has recorded 800 “spoken revelations,”  which he claims God delivered to him through angelic emissaries.

      “The world is now facing catastrophic environmental change,” says  Summers, “The Creator of all life would not leave humanity unprepared.  Therefore, God has sent a new message to protect and uplift humanity. I have  been given this message, yet the responsibility to bring it into the world has  been immense. It has been a great burden for me.”

When asked if his New Message from God is meant to replace the religions of  the world, Summers responds “No, the New Message is intended to give the world’s  religious traditions a greater scope, and to emphasize their one source, saying  that they were all initiated by God but changed by man.”

Those interested in Summers’ New Message from God can contact William Burrows  at the Society for the New Message from God, at 1-800-938-3891 or  This event is free of charge and open to all and can be viewed live at

SOURCE  The Society for the New Message from God

Colorado Man Claims to Have “New Message from God” – Press Releases: PR Newswire –

Marshall Vian Summers has a facebook page.

This page also links to the New Message from God website.

I am moved, honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to meet Marshall and to know of his great contribution to humanity. He has received and delivered over 1000 teachings to humanity about the world and our future. Explore the Great Teachings and let them speak to you beyond the personal mind. It is a great blessing. We are living at a time of Revelation.

Our world is at a threshold where we need a greater Knowledge and Wisdom to
educate, inspire and prepare us for the future.

This is the only book of spiritual practice which actually prepares the reader for the world’s destiny in a Greater Community of intelligent life.

Steps takes the reader on a journey where the experience of Self Knowledge is initiated. By practicing stillness and focused inquiry, its 365 daily lessons mysteriously open the mind to revelation and provide the context for realizing who you are, why you are here and what you must accomplish.

STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE represents the essence of spirituality as it is taught,
practiced and shared in the Greater Community of Worlds.

STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE is a gift from the Creator to enable humanity to establish a foundation for peace and cooperation within the human family and to
spiritually prepare for its destined encounter with intelligent life from the
Greater Community.

STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE provides the lessons and practices that are essential for
learning and living The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. In its 365 practices or “steps” it presents the road map to Knowledge, the Knowing Mind, and lays the foundation for learning and applying Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom.

STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE is for those who have the need to know and who feel the
need to prepare.

BOULDER, Colo., March 30, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — In the wake of Japan’s nuclear crisis, religious leader Marshall Vian Summers claims God has delivered a revelation to warn humanity of further natural disasters to come.

On Monday, March 14th, three days after Japan’s catastrophic quake, Summers said an angel of God came to him and delivered “God’s revelation on Planetary Instability.” Summers recorded this angelic encounter, which lasted nearly 45 minutes, and on March 30th his organization released this recording to the public.

Japan’s earthquake was the fifth largest in recorded history and has left thousands dead and half a million homeless. According to Summers, “the revelation that God has given can ignite greater contribution and inspired action worldwide as Japan faces this crisis. The New Message from God is here to sustain human civilization as it faces its darkest trials, which include climate change, resource depletion and greater scarcity of food and water.”

Summers’ revelation for Japan represents the newest chapter in his “New Message from God,” which has already produced Divine revelations on the war in Libya and the political upheaval in Egypt. Yet while Summers says God is involved in solving Japan’s crisis, he claims God had nothing to do with causing it.

Indeed, Summers’ revelation for Japan says, “God is not going to take care of you, but God will guide you to take care of yourself and other people. God is going to instruct people from the inside out.”

As people contemplate the frequency and scope of these global crises, many are left to wonder what will happen next. From New Zealand to Pakistan to Japan, natural disasters are taking an increasing human and economic toll. According to Marshall Vian Summers, this planetary instability has prompted God to speak again.

To learn more about Summers and his revelations of the “New Message from God” visit or contact his organization at 1-800-938-3891.

CONTACT: Joyce Johnson, 1-303-938-8401

There is much unrest in the world today. And there is a New Message from God that addresses the challenges we all face today. It is a very timely message related to the upheaval in Egypt, Libya and now in Syria as well.

The following are excerpts from a teaching called “Rebellion, Revolution and War“:

“The freedom movements in the world are gaining momentum. Peoples long oppressed by crushing and unethical regimes are now rising up. They are rising up not only to gain freedom, but to gain more essential things: employment, food, water, security—the very basic things of life, the very basic things that people in all nations need.”

“…there is a New Message in the world—to warn people, to prepare people and to call upon the greater spiritual intelligence in people of all faiths and nations and economic status. For there is a far better alternative, you see. The Great Waves of change, though immensely dangerous—so dangerous they could crush human civilization—provide another alternative, and that is for nations to cooperate, to assure for their own populations and for their neighbors as well, the availability of the essential resources of life.”

“People in the wealthy nations would have to give up the idea of growth and expansion and consider they are facing a reality and a new world—a world in decline where stability and security become essential and the welfare of people of all nations and faiths and colors is the top priority.”