Archives for the month of: June, 2011

I feel blessed to consider myself one of the vocal believers of this authentic Revelation from God that Marshall Vian Summers is openly delivering to the world.

This goes beyond the dictates of religion. This goes beyond the fundamentalist teachings. This goes beyond philosophy and theology and ideology because it represents a direct engagement with what God has placed within you.

May many have the heart to recognize this gift for our times and the times to come.

BOULDER, Colo., June 30, 2011 —         /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — For over  20 years, Marshall Vian Summers has lived in Boulder, Colorado, quietly  receiving and writing what he claims is a new message from God. Now, a community  of vocal believers is growing up around him, both in Colorado and around the  world. Many of them believe Summers is God’s chosen messenger for our time and  consider the 8,700 pages of “sacred texts” he has received to be the foundation  of a new world religion.

On Sunday July 3rd, Summers will speak publicly in Boulder about the New  Message from God, his role as messenger, and the revelations he has received  about “planetary freedom and our future in a Universe of intelligent life.” The  event begins at 10 am at the Greater Community Sanctuary (1025 Rosewood Ave) and  will be broadcast worldwide at

For nearly three decades, Summers has recorded 800 “spoken revelations,”  which he claims God delivered to him through angelic emissaries.

      “The world is now facing catastrophic environmental change,” says  Summers, “The Creator of all life would not leave humanity unprepared.  Therefore, God has sent a new message to protect and uplift humanity. I have  been given this message, yet the responsibility to bring it into the world has  been immense. It has been a great burden for me.”

When asked if his New Message from God is meant to replace the religions of  the world, Summers responds “No, the New Message is intended to give the world’s  religious traditions a greater scope, and to emphasize their one source, saying  that they were all initiated by God but changed by man.”

Those interested in Summers’ New Message from God can contact William Burrows  at the Society for the New Message from God, at 1-800-938-3891 or  This event is free of charge and open to all and can be viewed live at

SOURCE  The Society for the New Message from God

Colorado Man Claims to Have “New Message from God” – Press Releases: PR Newswire –

May we find the freedom to seek a greater Knowledge and understanding throughout the world. There is a greater answer for us, for humanity. The New Message from God speaks directly to the movements around the world ignited by ordinary people seeking freedom from oppressive rule.

Begin the journey within to support freedom everywhere.

Marshall Vian Summers has a facebook page.

This page also links to the New Message from God website.

I am moved, honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to meet Marshall and to know of his great contribution to humanity. He has received and delivered over 1000 teachings to humanity about the world and our future. Explore the Great Teachings and let them speak to you beyond the personal mind. It is a great blessing. We are living at a time of Revelation.